Twitter Maison Kankotwe by @BasaboseStudio: This house in the Democratic Republic of the Congo uses a brise-soleil to counter the heat gain from the large windows requested by the client. — ARCHITECT Magazine (@architectmag) April 8, 2018 Facebook Link to project/Lien vers le projet
This holiday home is located in Likasi, Congo it was built for a family who wanted a town house to accomodate them when they visit their farm. It was designed by Basabose Studio.⠀ ⠀ Photography credit: Basabose Studio.⠀ A post shared by (@ausdesignreview) on Mar 22, 2018 at 1:49pm PDT
Le meilleur conseil que nous pouvons donner aux constructeurs et aux rénovateurs est de bien regarder autour d’eux. Quel style architectural aimez-vous ? Quelle formule de construction souhaitez-vous ? Dès que vous aurez opéré ces premiers choix, nous vous recommandons de demander une entrevue sans engagement à deux architectes, voire davantage, pour affiner votre choix….
Africa’s cities are growing – and changing – rapidly. Without appropriate planning, they will become increasingly chaotic, inefficient and unsustainable. In many countries, planning legislation dates back to the colonial era. It is ill-equipped to deal with contemporary urban problems. A shortage of urban planning and management professionals trained to respond to urban complexity with…
Construction News is the leading resource for UK construction industry news, the number of company failures is on the rise for the first time in over a year.
The latest company to come in the country is Shanxi Sunway International Trade Co-operation renowned for construction of roads, railway lines and bridges.